Club 100 mile ride!

01 Jul 2023 at 09:00
Crawley Library

Speed: 15-17 mph

Dist: 40-60 miles

This ride is suitable for those who are experienced riding in a group and within the guidelines.

Event info

Club 100 mile ride:

We will be running at least two groups. One at intended C Ride pace (13-15mph) and one at intended D Ride pace (15-17mph).


Tim Caig will be leading the C and Don Reed leading the D.
Two coffee/food stops are intended, although I guess each group can decide on the day. I'm thinking, One at 44 miles near Bognor Pier. Dolphin Cafe or Costal Coffee Co. Then a second stop in Petworth on 69 miles. At Tiffins and/or Coco Cafe.
Please download the route in case we need to split into more than the two groups.
Please note if a 100mile ride doesn't fit with your plans, the B ride is 50miles this week.
Please also ensure you have read our risk assessment here.
Distance: approx 101 miles
Elevation: approx 4000ft
Cafe: To be decided but 2 stops possibly Bognor Pier and then a second stop in Petworth.  Please bring enough water/gel/snacks for the longer ride.
Distance:101 miles
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