Sunday 13th November 2022. Club D Ride to Hidenborough

13 Nov 2022 at 09:00
Crawley Library

Speed: 15-17 mph

Dist: 40-60 miles

This ride is suitable for those who are experienced riding in a group and within the guidelines.

Event info

Sunday 13th November 2022

Club D Ride

Grant Walder is again volunteering to take the lead this week.

He has put together a nice route out to a new stop to most of us. A place called the Teal Cafe near Hidenborough, just north on Tonbridge.

The route is 56 miles. Let's hope it's a bit drier than last weekend.

Average pace will be between 15 and 17 mph and the ride will be conducted in a supportive and civilised manner :).

Distance:56 miles
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