Challenge Tires London and South East CX League - Round 02

18 Sep 2022 at 09:30
Pippingford Manor, Pippingford Park, Nutley, East Sussex, TN22 3HW

Event info

Round 2 of the LCCA League 2022/3 at Pippingford Park, East Sussex.


Challenge Tires Logo

Compared to the mtb courses our cyclo-cross course will be a lot more compact. Riders will start on a hard packed sand track before heading onto a grassy field. They’ll then snake up through the treeline before plunging down the field and into the open woodland area. This area provides twists and turns along with a punchy climb through the trees before heading down to the grassy bottom section. Here you’ll find the legendary CW hurdles and a section with loops and turns on the grass. After this riders will tackle the long drag up the gravel path towards the pit area, it’s going to be tough! After passing the pits riders get a breather as they head down the track to the bottom of the dense woods. Once in the woods they’ll navigate a technical section around the trees before a short sharp climb fires them back up onto the track towards the final section. This is an off-camber grassy bank which leads them back to the start.

The U12 course will cut off before they head down the first wooded section to the grass and then again after the pits. They’ll still get some technical sections after the finish, in the first wooded section and the grassy bank. There’s ample parking right next to the sign on and start areas. We have a double pit – it’s a bit biased towards the dense wooded section, but we think this is where riders are most likely to have issues anyway. There are plenty of water points near the pit area as well.

Course map:

Pippingford cyclo-cross course


There will be cakes and drinks in the CW gazeebo and the Belgian frites van!


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