C Ride to Beacon Bikes, Albourne

21 May 2022 at 09:00
Crawley Library, 8.45 for 9.00 start

Speed: 13-15 mph

Dist: 35-45 miles

This ride is suitable for those who are confident riding in group and able to ride within the guidelines.

Event info

This Saturday, the highly experienced Allan Stone has kindly volunteered to lead the C Ride. He's taking us to Beacon Bikes, the cycle cafe where the dog has his own Instagram page!


His ride will meet the C ride guidelines, so expect to average 14-ish mph, with a tea stop around halfway. This also means aiming to ride as a tight group, except for the main hills , which we climb at our own pace then re-group at the top.


It's a "no-drop" ride, all welcome, no-one will be left behind! If you're new to group riding, Allan and the more experienced members will be happy to give a bit of guidance, and if you're new to the Club, please check out the ride guidelines and risk assessments elsewhere on this site.


Ok that's it! Weather looks good, see you on Saturday!

Distance:43 miles (ish)
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