C Ride to Priory Farm, Nutfield

26 Mar 2022 at 09:00
Crawley Library, 8.45 for 9.00

Speed: 13-15 mph

Dist: 35-45 miles

This ride is suitable for those who are confident riding in group and able to ride within the guidelines.

Event info

Allan Stone has kindly volunteered to lead this week, so expect some top-notch photography! Our main photo opportunity will be the group enjoying coffee and snacks at Priory Farm, near Nutfield. His route loops out through Horne and Outwood and back via Newdigate and Capel, so plenty of country roads, undulating rather than hilly.
I've made the route public on RidewithGPS, which is free to join, any issues viewing or loading let me know.

This is a "no-drop" ride within the C ride guidelines, so no-one will be left behind. Expect an average around 14mph, maybe starting slower as everyone warms up. C rides aim to ride as a tight group, except for the 2 main hills where you climb at your own comfortable pace and re-group at the top.
Please load the route to your device if possible, to assist the group.
Please also refresh yourselves on the ride guidelines and risk assessments on the main CW website. Forecast looks good as I type, have fun on Saturday!


Distance:42 miles
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