Saturday C Ride via Forest Green

22 Jan 2022 at 09:00
Crawley Library, 8.45 for 9.00 start

Speed: 13-15 mph

Dist: 35-45 miles

This ride is suitable for those who are confident riding in group and able to ride within the guidelines.

Event info

This week Tim Caig has kindly agreed to be our lovely leader as we enjoy the delights of rural Sussex and glimpses of Ashdown Forest. We head out via Blindley Heath so the first 10km are flat, giving us a chance to find our cycling legs again! The tea stop will be either the Orchard Tea Rooms or Forest Green. We head back through West Hoathly to complete Tim's scenic 40 miles.

This is a "no-drop" ride, so no-one will be left behind. We aim to ride as a group within the C ride guidelines, except for the main hills which we ride at our own pace and re-group at the top. Please load the route to your device if possible, if not just follow Tim!

Please check the risk assessments and C ride guidelines elsewhere on this site. Highlights include Tim taking names for track and trace purpouses. We will check the forecast between 8 and 9 on Friday and update here and Facebook if the cold weather policy applies. If not, see you on Saturday!

Distance:40 miles
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