C Ride to Whispers Cafe, Billingshurst

30 Apr 2022 at 09:00
Crawley Library, 8.45 for 9.00 start

Speed: 13-15 mph

Dist: 35-45 miles

This ride is suitable for those who are confident riding in group and able to ride within the guidelines.

Event info

This Saturday Dean Butler is leading the C ride out to Whispers Cafe in Billingshurst, mainly famous for unfeasibly large slices of cake. Anyone who actually finishes a whole slice will be pleased to hear there is a station in Billingshurst! If you do in fact complete the ride, you will have done about 40 miles and about 2000ft of climbing, so a medium C ride. https://www.facebook.com/whispersbillingshurst

We aim to ride within the C ride guidelines. This means we aim to ride as a tight group, with a guideline average around 14mph. However this is just a guideline, to be reduced as necessary to keep everyone in the group comfortable...  nobody will be left behind!  No "riding off the front" please, as this tends to split the group. As usual, the exception will be the main hills, which I'll brief on the day. On these hills, just do your own thing and recover at the top! When everyone's caught their breath, we head off as a group once more.
Please load the route to your device if possible, to assist the group. Weather looks dry on Saturday, see you there!


Distance:41 miles
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