Saturday B ride 1st May 2021

01 May 2021 at 00:00
Crawley Library

Speed: Up to 13mph

Dist: 20-35 miles

If you are already riding on your own and want to step up or preparing for a sportive and are looking for more of a challenge, then this is the ride for you.

Event info

Fantastic news for B riders!
Martin Shiele, has very kindly offered to lead next Saturday's B ride.
As with the other rides, there is no need to get a ticket but Martin will be taking names and contact emails for Track and Trace purposes. 
It is slightly longer than a B ride but I am sure it will be at a comfortable pace and the coffee stop is at Heart Worx about 20 miles into the ride. Please remember to socially distance at the start of the ride and at the coffee stop.
Enjoy everyone, as it's great to have B rides up and running again!
Hopefully you can see the strava route attached:
Distance:36 miles
View Course
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