C Ride, Saturday 23rd October, "Wayne's Lanes"

23 Oct 2021 at 09:00
Crawley Library, 8.45 for 9am depart

Speed: 13-15 mph

Dist: 35-45 miles

This ride is suitable for those who are confident riding in group and able to ride within the guidelines.

Event info

Wayne Smith has kindly volunteered to lead again this Saturday. He will lead the C ride on his usual route to the cafe at Tanhouse Farm, Newdigate. It features some interesting Surrey loops totalling about 44 miles while avoiding the biggest hills. Expect nice views and photo opportunities!

This is a "no-drop" ride within the C ride guidelines. This means no-one will be left behind. The pace will start steady, maybe averaging around 14mph once we're all warmed up. We aim to ride as a group for most of the ride, if people ride a hill at different speeds, we stop and re-group at the top. If you're one of the fitter riders, please match your speed to the needs of the group. Please download the route to your device if possible, if not, follow Wayne!
Please read the C ride guidelines and anti-Covid risk assessment elsewhere on the website. Highlights include Wayne collecting names for "track and trace" on the day.
Ok that's it - forecast looks good, see you on Saturday!
Distance:44 miles
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