C Ride to Box Hill, Saturday 22nd May

22 May 2021 at 09:00
Crawley Library

Speed: 13-15 mph

Dist: 35-45 miles

This ride is suitable for those who are confident riding in group and able to ride within the guidelines.

Event info

Wayne Smith has kindly agreed to lead the C ride again, this Saturday! He will take you out along country roads to climb Box Hill, before a coffee, a chat and possibly a photo opportunity? As you're not doing Box Hill twice, it will then be a slightly easier ride home!

Tea stop to be decided on the day, depending how busy the options on top of Box Hill are, otherwise possibly The Reading Rooms in Brockham.

This is a "no-drop" ride, tailored to the needs of the group on the day. We aim to keep within C ride guidelines, riding as a tight group for most of the morning. The exception will be Box Hill, which we just climb at our own individual pace, then re-group at the top. Guideline speed is around 14mph, starting more gently as everyone gets warmed up.

Please remind yourselves of the C ride gidelines and the anti-Covid risk assessment elsewhere on this website. Rule of 6 still applies inside, and masks when not seated. Wayne will take names on the day for track and trace regs, and contact details for anyone who is not a member.

Finally, the ride may be cancelled in the event of bad weather, final decision at 8pm Friday. Please check back here or Facebook if uncertain.



Distance:35 - 40 miles
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