C Ride, Saturday 26th June, Simon's Adventure!

26 Jun 2021 at 09:00
Crawley Library

Speed: 13-15 mph

Dist: 35-45 miles

This ride is suitable for those who are confident riding in group and able to ride within the guidelines.

Event info

This week, Simon Hooley has kindly offered to lead our Saturday C ride. It's a ride of two loops, the first loop is out via Woodhatch and Leigh to the Charlwood Cafe, http://www.charlwoodcafe.co.uk/

Fully refreshed, the adventure continues with the shorter second loop, featuring Faygate then Crawley. This is Simon's first lead, so please give him your full support, as usual!

This is a "no-drop" ride, all welcome! We aim to ride as a tight group within the C ride guidelines, moderating our pace to keep the group together. The exceptions will be the main hills, which we ride at our own pace and re-group at the top. Please load the route to your device if possible, or just follow the leader! Route may change on the day... for the adventure!
Please check the C ride guidelines and the anti-Covid risk assessment on this website. Highlights include "Rule of 6" at the cafe (but not while riding) and masks for moving around in the cafe. As part of this, Simon will note the names of members on the ride (for track and trace regs) and further contact details for any non-members taking advantage of our "2 free rides" offer.
See you on Saturday!



Distance:40 miles (approx)
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