Sunday D Ride. 4th April 2021. 52 miles. 2600 Feet

04 Apr 2021 at 09:30
Crawley Library

Speed: 15-17 mph

Dist: 40-60 miles

This ride is suitable for those who are experienced riding in a group and within the guidelines.

Event info

Sunday 4th April 2021 at 9.30am
D Ride – 14 to16 mph
Its what you’ve been waiting for, the reconvening of weekend club rides.
After a long pause the group riding fun can begin again.
And with NO rule of 6 ON the bike.
We can now legally cycle in groups of up to 15 (although yes, we always split before it reaches this size, in reality)
This Sunday Steve Childs has grasped the mantel and has kindly stepped forward to lead us into this new dawn.
The ride is 52 miles with 2600 Foot of climbing.
Coffee is well over half way at Priory Farm.
Ensure you are well fuelled.
Although there is no Rule of 6 on the bike, at coffee stops WE ARE bound by the rule of 6. So please, it is important that we adhere to this when we stop and are off our bikes.
Steve has chosen a nice outdoor location with ample outdoor space to ensure good social distancing.

Thank you
Distance:52 miles. 2600 Feet
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