Sat/E 24Apr - Edenbridge - Kingdom - Forest Row

24 Apr 2021 at 09:00
Crawley - The Library

Speed: 17 mph +

Dist: 50 miles + 

This ride is suitable for those advanced riders looking for a good workout and confident that they can ride within the guidelines. 

Event info

Ben Watts is kindly leading you all on a merry wander out East. Stop is planned for Kingdom approx half way. Route is backloaded with hills, so don't burn all your matches early. Weather looking good. ENJOY.

The vital stats are;

i) Ride Capitano : Ben Watts

ii) Departs : Crawley - The Library

iii) When : 09.00 sharp departure, be there or miss out

iv) Speed : Guideline speed 16-17mph average

v) Destination/Stop : Kingdom

vi) Distance & Elevation : circa 54m / 1013m

NEW - No pre-booking required. Rule of 6 applies at mid ride stops. Group size to be decided on the day (In theory max is 15 but we would always split a group of that size)

* Respect the ride captain * Respect the road * Ride like the wind and enjoy * Read the Risk Assessment

Crawley Wheelers Risk Assessment

General Info - What is the Saturday E ride?

* The Saturday E ride is the speediest Saturday Club Ride.
* No drop ride, re-group on hills with a cafe stop.
* It is there for those members who have and will progress through the Saturday ride structure and want to push themselves.

Ride guidelines are;

* Speed : 16-17.99 mph average
* Distance : 45-65 miles so circa 70-110 kms.

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