CW- C-Ride, 29/02/2020, 39.6m, 2365ft, Pistachios in the Park, Reigate, Simon Orsborn.

29 Feb 2020 at 09:15
The Broadway, opposite the new Iceland, next to Wilkinsons (but not for much longer!!!!)

Speed: 13-15 mph

Dist: 35-45 miles

This ride is suitable for those who are confident riding in group and able to ride within the guidelines.

Event info

CW-C Ride, Saturday 29/02/2020
Leap to it!
Winter start time!!!!!!
  • Ride Leader: Simon Orsborn
  • Meet venue: The Broadway, opposite the new Iceland, next to Wilkinsons (but not much longer!!!!)
  • Meet time: 09:15am
  • Depart time: 09:30am sharp
  • Distance: 39.6m
  • Climb: 2365ft
  • Cafe: https:
Simon will be continuing the lessons learnt from Ride Leader Training, as follows:
  • Better communication of issues hazards & turns, all the way through the group, from front to back, and vice versa
  • Ensuring slower riders aren't stuck at the back
  • Taking turns to lead (all riders)
  • Looking back to check what's happening with other riders
  • Tight group riding, flats and hills, riding to the pace of the slowest riders
  • Staying 2 abreast, unless the front or back riders declare a safety need to single out
  • No one riding off the front unless the ride leader declares it a sprint point (be it flats, climbs or descents)
  • Junctions: Get across the junction in the same order the group arrived at it
  • Junctions: Those 1st across, soft pedal until the entire group catch up. Do not stop.
  • Appoint a ride deputy, to assist the ride leader in faciliating the smooth running of the ride. This maybe a trainee ride leader.

The official stuff:For ride risk assessment, and all matters of safety, refer to the website.
How to load the route onto your Garmin:
1. Open the route in Strava by clicking on the link
2. Click on “Export”
3. Choose your device type from the dropdown list. GPX is best for mapping devices with base maps installed, TCX for those devices with breadcrumbs
4. Save the file to the “Garmin>NewFiles” folder
5. Restart your Garmin and navigate to the Courses section
6. For Garmin 800 devices turn-by-turn routing is OFF by default. You will need to turn it on if you want prompts. All other devices are OK.
To help you all enjoy your weekend rides the Ride Organisers and I would like to remind you when on a club ride to:
  • Listen to the ride leader’s instructions
  • Follow the official route
  • Do not ride off the front of the group
  • Stop at the top of climbs and at junctions to enable the ride to re-group
  • Enjoy the tea stop and support local businesses
If you are thinking about taking up cycling or are picking up the sport again then come along and pick a ride to suit you. There is a no drop policy on all our rides however we would also ask you to consider the distance, elevation & pace.
Distance:39.6 miles
View Course
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