Saturday 1st August D ride to the Dabbling Duck

01 Aug 2020 at 09:00
Crawley Library

Speed: 15-17 mph

Dist: 40-60 miles

This ride is suitable for those who are experienced riding in a group and within the guidelines.

Event info

Simon Orsborn is leading our first Saturday D ride since lock down to the Dabbling Duck. The route is approx 45miles and has 2800ft climbing.

Depending on the views of the group and capacity at the Duck, it might be a cafe stop in the garden, or a takeaway.

Obviously we need to ensure we follow the rules on Social distancing, so please ensure you do this to keep your fellow riders safe particularly at the start and coffee stop.  For full details please read the risk assessment with Covid information which is here

Our rides are limited to 6 people (ride leader and 5 others) therefore you MUST prebook using the link below.  If we have other leaders available we may be able to run a second group. To book please click here

Distance:45 miles
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