Sat/E 08Aug - wE ridE again

08 Aug 2020 at 09:00
Crawley Library Car Park - Opposite County Mall

Speed: 17 mph +

Dist: 50 miles + 

This ride is suitable for those advanced riders looking for a good workout and confident that they can ride within the guidelines. 

Event info

Nathan has kindly volunteered to lead the first of the new era Saturday E rides. The new era involves a max of 6 per group and the requirement to indicate your intention to ride by signing up beforehand. Plus reading the revised club guidelines and risk assessment. Oh the ride is out to Oxted / Ide Hill kind of way. Nathan will guide you from Crawley and pick up the published course at smallfield. ENJOY.

Sign Up Right Now Right HERE

The vital stats are;

i) MAX 6 per ride, if more a second group will be needed.

ii) Ride Capitano : Nathan Peppercorn

iii) Departs : Crawley Library Car Park

iv) When : 09.00 sharp departure, be there or miss out

v) Speed : Guideline speed 16-17mph average

vi) Destination/Stop : Garden Centre nr Four Elms

vi) Distance & Elevation : circa 80km / 800m ish

* Respect the ride captain * Respect the road *  Read the NEW Risk Assessment

Crawley Wheelers Risk Assessment

General Info - What is the Saturday E ride?

* The Saturday E ride is the speediest Saturday Club Ride.
* No drop ride, re-group on hills with a cafe stop.
* It is there for those members who have and will progress through the Saturday ride structure and want to push themselves.

Ride guidelines are;

* Speed : 16-17.99 mph average
* Distance : 45-65 miles so circa 70-110 kms.




Distance:80km ish
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