Sunday C Ride 22nd of September

22 Sep 2019 at 09:30
Junction of Broadway and Broadwalk

Speed: 13-15 mph

Dist: 35-45 miles

This ride is suitable for those who are confident riding in group and able to ride within the guidelines.

Event info

Dean Butler will be leading this ride and is aiming for coffee at the Southdown Kitchen in Brockham. If the weather is fine, we will pop over Leith Hill on the way there, leaving just 10 miles to breeze back home. The loop out is around 30 miles so please consider a cycling snack. This is a ‘no-drop’ ride, all welcome! Everyone can climb the main hills at their own pace as we will catch a breather and re-group at the top. Otherwise we will ride as a group at a speedy C pace to suit the group on the day.

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