Saturday B ride - 11th May 2019

11 May 2019 at 16:22
Leaving from adjacent to the Cafe formerly known as Affogato

Speed: Up to 13mph

Dist: 20-35 miles

If you are already riding on your own and want to step up or preparing for a sportive and are looking for more of a challenge, then this is the ride for you.

Event info

This weeks B ride is to Bletchingly, this is going to be a hilly one!! So a steady pace will be in place. 

Polite Notice : If this is not quick enough for you please use the C Ride - We will be riding as a group! 

Ride Leader: Cogfather


Café stop: Bletchingly

Distance:57 miles

Elevation : 3759ft

Guide Speed: 14 – 16 mph

Meet: Affogatto 28 -32 Broadway Crawley

Time: 08:45 for a prompt 09:00 departure.

Riding tips Riding in a group

Risk Assessment: Click Here

To help you all enjoy your weekend rides the Ride Organisers and I would like to remind you when on a club ride to:

  1. Listen to the ride leader’s instructions.
  2. Follow the official route.
  3. Do not ride off the front of the group.
  4. Stop at the top of climbs and at junctions to enable the ride to re-group.
  5. Enjoy the tea stop and support local businesses

If you are thinking about taking up cycling or are picking up the sport again then come along and pick a ride to suit you. There is a no drop policy on all our rides however we would also ask you to consider the distance, elevation.

Distance:57 Miles
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