22 July - B ride

22 Jul 2018 at 11:18

Speed: Up to 13mph

Dist: 20-35 miles

If you are already riding on your own and want to step up or preparing for a sportive and are looking for more of a challenge, then this is the ride for you.

Event info

This Sunday’s B ride is a simple affair, just popping up Leith Hill to check the views before wobbling through Westcott and bouncing on to Brockham for the tea stop around 28 miles at Southdown Coffee.

Perhaps Surprised by the ability to eat cake and still cycle, we will pootle through Pixham to settle our stomachs before the delights of Box Hill.

This is a "no drop" ride within the B ride guidelines, we aim to ride as a group supporting each other aerodynamically as well as spiritually. The exceptions are the three main hills to be climbed individually, as slowly or quickly as you are comfortable with, and we will wait and regroup at the top. There are no Alps, gravel stages or cobbled sections.

Route: Click here

Coffee stop: Box Hill

Ride Leaders: Dean Butler

Distance: Miles
Elevation: 3,8000 ft

Guide Speed 14/16 mph
Start point: Affogatto 28 -32 Broadway Crawley

Time: 09:15 for a prompt 09:30 departure.

Cycling tip: How to keep your hands and feet warm

To help you all enjoy your weekend rides the Ride Organisers and I would like to remind you when on a club ride to:

1. Listen to the ride leader’s instructions.

2. Follow the official route.

3. Do not ride off the front of the group.

4. Stop at the top of climbs and at junctions to enable the ride to re-group.

5. Enjoy the tea stop and support local businesses

If you are thinking about taking up cycling or are picking up the sport again then come along and pick a ride to suit you. There is a no drop policy on all our rides however we would also ask you to consider the distance, elevation gain and guide speed when choosing your ride. We want your experience with us to be both enjoyable and safe.

If you want more information on what to expect on your first ride, how to prepare, details of the routes and advice and re-assurance on riding in a group please see the relevant sections.

Please Note : As a Club we wish to help people progress through the Social ride structures. Therefore we would like to put a greater emphasis on group riding dynamics.

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